About Us
IPBee was founded at the end of 2016 as a start-up and is a service provider with the focus on online brand protection, which means protecting the trademarks, designs and copyrights of our clients in the www.
In 2018, IPBee began to look at complex approaches to making copyrights (images and text) evidence simple, fast, in large quantities and cheap, with the aim of defending our clients’ rights more efficiently around the world.
Since 2019 IPBee successfully uses Blockchain-Technology for a by now broad client base. It is possible for us to verify the existence of a file and its entire content to a specific point in time.

Our Solution
The IPBee digital proof of evidence certificate
IPBee generates a digital, non-counterfeitable piece of evidence including a timestamp in worldwide public and freely accessible blockchains (Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solana, EOS, Polygon). The documentation takes place with a certificate, that proves the possession of the deposited file and the exact content at that time. This data can be validated worldwide, independent of IPBee’s servers.
Authenticity verification
There are two options two verify the authenticity of your document: You can upload the original file or enter the Hash-Code, Transaction ID or the Private Key privy to you to match it with the evidence you have.
What is Blockchain?
Blockchains are decentralised databases stored in a server network that contain chronologically stored data whose storage is checked and confirmed by other participants through a consensus mechanism. The data is stored in so-called blocks, which are continuously generated, secured with cryptographic keys and linked to the next block.

What use is the IPBee Authenticity certificate to me?
You receive evidence that is unique in its form and cannot be manipulated according to the current state of the art. It can be used and verified worldwide. This innovative solution is admitted as evidence in court in Asia (netcourt). Proof of IPBee ensures trust and reduces discussion or eliminates disputes.
What does IPBee confirm with the service?
IPBee confirms the existence of a digital document and its content at the time indicated in the certificate. This is suitable as evidence for the authenticity of copyrights, trade secrets, certificates, invoices, documentation of prior use, R&D status, business correspondence, etc.
Which data are transmitted to IPBee via the HASH generator?
Only cryptographic code (HASH) and file name are transmitted to IPBee.
Is the service via the HASH generator GDPR compliant?
Yes. We only receive cryptographic codes of the original file. A back calculation of the file is not possible (it is virtually a one-way street). Thus, we can ensure an absolute GDPR-compliant implementation. The conclusion of a GDPR agreement is therefore not necessary.
Is the HASH generator suitable to proof trade secrets?
Yes. The files and their contents are not passed on to us via the HASH generator but remain exclusively with you. The necessary HASH is calculated directly in your browser on your PC. We only receive this HASH and the file name. Using our generated proof incl. certificate, you can then prove the existence of the file and the content at the time it was stored and shown at any time.
What is a HASH, what is its function and benefit?
A HASH is usually a cryptographic procedure that is used to uniquely describe the contents of a file. A change in the content of the original file automatically results in a complete change of the HASH code. It is virtually impossible to find two different files for which exactly the same HASH value is calculated.
Which HASH method does IPBee use?
IPBee uses the HASH SHA 256 for all files. Various sources, including Wikipedia, provide information on this. For graphic files (copyrights), we use another one for our customers, the 4D Security HASH. This encodes metadata, content, raw data similarity and raw data integrity.
How long does it take until my files are protected?
After the start of the process at IPBee, the first protection currently takes about 3-5 minutes. The full protection in all three blockchains can take up to 24 hours.
What do I receive from IPBee?
After completion of the process, you will receive a certificate from IPBee, which contains a description, all essential information about the original file (if available), the transactions and storage in the different blockchains as well as a brief instruction of the verification.
What is the easiest way to verify the authenticity?
Go to: Validation page, upload the original file and compare the values on the screen with the information on the certificate. Alternatively, click on the link of the HASH (or multiple HASH) in the certificate and compare the values.
What does it mean if the result of the check is different or no values?
This can have different reasons. Do you have the certificate that matches the original file?
If yes, then there are the following scenarios:
- 1. The HASH value of the original file in the certificate does not match the currently calculated HASH value.
Have you selected the correct calculation method of the HASH-maker? Have you checked it on our homepage by uploading the file? If the values do not match, you do NOT have the original document. - 2. Digital signature of the certificate of IPBee is “violated”.
The signature display in the pdf reader shows a change in the file after we have signed it (qualified digital signature). An attempt has probably been made here to manipulate our proof. Upload the original file in the validation section. We provide information on whether we are aware of the file (HASH) and whether we have carried out an associated successful blockchain validation and for whom. - Transaction IDs do not show any (successful) transactions in the blockchain.
If the servers are accessible, but no matching transactions can be found (possibly manually and also not in our validation area), then a check of the stored Private Keys or HASH in the blockchains cannot be finalised. Proof of authenticity cannot be provided.
In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us via info@ip-bee.de.
On the certificate not all Blockchain transaction codes are visible. What does that mean?
For various reasons, it can happen that not all transactions are executed (on time). For this reason, we also use several blockchains in order to always ensure at least one backup for our customers.
Do you have further questions?

Please contact us directly!
Jan F. Timme |
Dr. Mirjam Brautmeier |
Phone: +49 4181 926 980
Email: info@ip-bee.de